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Freshwater is the lifeblood of our planet. It sustains life on Earth, is a basic human right, and supports economic activity.

Why does water matter?

The urgency to address freshwater conservation issues has never been greater. Declining water quality and increased water stress and scarcity put both people and nature at risk, threatening livelihoods, biodiversity and increasing conflict between them.

The Rioni River in Georgia is the last functioning sturgeon spawning river in the Eastern part of the Black Sea basin?

Learn more about WWF's work on sturgeon conservation.

© Hartmut Jungius, WWF
What is WWF doing?

WWF Caucasus focuses to identify and strenthen protection of freshwater key biodiversity areas representing critical sites for conservation of threatened species depending on healthy freshwater ecosystems. WWF is committed to support and facilitate initiatives that can strengthen and empower the voices speaking on behalf of the freshwater ecosystems, which are vital for both - nature and people.

Did you know that there are more than 26,000 rivers in Georgia?
© WWF / Mariam Robitashvili

WWF runs freshwater conservation projects in more than 50 countries, working to protect iconic species like sturgeon and river dolphins, restoring wetlands and keeping rivers free flowing.

© WWF Caucasus